Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Oddfish for Soundproof's Trevor Project Fundraiser.

I'm delighted to be taking part in the Trevor Project Fundraiser organised by Soundproof; for which I have created a collection of Art Monocles inspired by the film " Clockwork Orange".

TP to event : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Himalayas/50/180/3983

Clockwork Orange Inspired Monocles (For Soundproof Trevor Prog. Fundraiser)

The monocles come in three main frame colours : Gold, Silver and Rainbow (to commemorate the project)
They are also included in both right and left side versions with a texture change hud unique to each monocle frame that enables you to change up your lenses. All sales profit will go directly to The Trevor Project 

For your support in my endeavours and adventures in Second Life©,thank you always!
The collection :