Friday, 30 April 2021

[Mod]ify -My Cute Pet Bowls

Out now at May's [Mod]ify event are these modifiable fun pet bowls!

Designed to be easily modifiable, each special shape includes the UV and Shadow Maps for even further customisation.

To illustrate how fun and simple it is to play around with the design of these bowls, I've also made some texture modifications which are also available for purchase as extra add-ons to this set.

And last but not least, don't forget to pick up the half time freebie made specially for this event ! Available from May 15th :

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Tap Dancing Eggs


Once in a while I get a wacky idea and this is one of them because who doesn't want to see a chorus line of dancing eggs - I ask myself (grins).

Anyway this is the result !